US election 2024 by The New York Times

New York Times/laif
Donald Trump läuft durch einen blauen Vorhang
New York Times/laif
The super election year has started. We are continuously covering the 2024 US election with images from the New York Times. Whether primaries, party conferences or portraits of the candidates - we offer the most important images from outstanding photographers.

On November the 5th, 2024, it will be decided who will move into the White House for the next four years. Until then, we will offer regular reportages and portraits on the current events of the election in the USA in the laif archive.


Super Tuesday: Haley vs. Trump
Nicki Haley umarmt eine Frau lächelnd
Nikki Haley spricht im Freien vor Amerikafahnen
Donald Trump wird auf einer Bühne begrüßt
Trump Supporter applaudieren

New Hampshire's Republican caucuses